Charlotte Stevenson




QUESTION ONE : Describe yourself in three words.

Caring, trustworthy, visionary

QUESTION TWO : Give us a quick run down of a typical day at Suna for you?

Throughout the day, I work closely with our design teams & the operations team on the logistics & development of any designs that are getting installed. Whether that’s putting together project programs for installs that are further down the line or helping current installs, I keep us on top of key milestones to help everything run nice and smoothly. I liaise with our clients & contractors daily to achieve the best possible solutions.

I also work on re-plotting designs on CAD for plot moves & have been spending more and more time assessing our sustainable initiatives. This involves a lot of analysis & research, informing designers & taking a closer look at our supply chain so we can continue & strengthen our journey to Net Zero.

As I work across the board with the different departments in the company, no day is the same and it keeps me nice and busy. At the office, we love a camomile & honey tea so we squeeze in a few of those throughout the day too! 

QUESTION THREE : What’s your favourite Suna project?

I’ll have to go with the Skeel Library project as this was my first project when I joined Suna! Every corner of the show home showed true attention to detail with the styling to the fabric selections. I loved exploring the spaces which really told a story & paid homage to the surrounding area & architecture of the building.

QUESTION FOUR : Tell us something about you we would never guess?

I travelled India for a month, working with locals & even celebrated an Indian Wedding at a gypsy camp – it was filled with so much joy and laughter & with the cows roaming around our base camp it is a wedding I won’t forget!

QUESTION FIVE : If you had £1,000,000 what would you spend it on?

I would absolutely love to renovate a Victorian property & completely transform it. My Instagram feed is filled with before & afters so would absolutely love to cherry pick all of the bits I love & recreate something classic & timeless.

QUESTION SIX : Favourite food/drink?

I have a new found LOVE for a good Picante cocktail – a bit sweet and spicy with a hint of chilli in there too. Thai red pineapple curry is a also a new found winner.

QUESTION SEVEN : Least favourite food/drink?

Tried a matcha latte recently and it really wasn’t all its cracked up to be on socials! Food wise nothing really but mussels aren’t something I’d be eager for at a restaurant!

QUESTION EIGHT : Favourite film?

The Intouchables (French film) even with subtitles on it was so uplifting to watch. I’ve re-watched the English version they’ve now created called ‘The Upside’ with Kevin Hart which was just as great.

Also The Greenbook has to get a mention!

QUESTION NINE : Favourite holiday destination?

Italy – pasta heaven & hiring a car to explore the rugged coastline!

QUESTION TEN : What are your top three pet peeves?

Dumping items in the sink, forgetting to hang out washing, being rushed

QUESTION ELEVEN : What does an ‘ideal weekend’ look like for you?

Love doing a workout or long walk on a Saturday morning to kick start the weekend. I love catching up with friends later in the day, (can’t wait for the warmer evenings in summer to have plenty of bbq’s) & then a slower Sunday seeing family & recharging for the week!

QUESTION TWELVE: What is your favourite possession?

I’ve furnished my flat with so many second hand goodies. I absolutely love finding pre-loved treasures & tells so much more of a story! I’d have to go with our vintage love seat with rattan frame & cream cushions – it’s absolutely gorgeous, great quality and was FREE!

QUESTION THIRTEEN : Favourite restaurant/hotel?  

Oku Ibiza – really paired back luxury that looks so zen.

QUESTION FOURTEEN : Do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens?

There’s got to be something out there in the dark old universe…… hasn’t there !?!?!

QUESTION FIFTEEN : Favourite late night snack?  

Got to be a bit of chocoliiit with a cuppa, maybe dark choc with sea salt so I don’t eat the whole bar far too quickly which I would if it was classic galaxy or diary milk

QUESTION SIXTEEN : What’s your favourite or earliest memory?

I swear I remember bouncing around in my Teletubbies onsie – not sure if it was lala or tinkywinky but I felt like the real deal for sure & wanted to wear it forever at that point.

QUESTION SEVENTEEN : Who do you look up to and what qualities do your admire about that person?

I look up to my mum & dad who have taught me so much. I find courage, passion and

QUESTION EIGHTEEN : When have you felt the most proud?


QUESTION NINETEEN : If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

Pasta – if only it didn’t grace the waistline instantaneously

QUESTION TWNETY : What is the best present you have ever received? Who gave it to you and why was it so special?

When I went away travelling, my dad gave me this teeny bag with some memorabilia in it as a little good luck/safe travels. It had a miniscule book in it which he wrote a few small notes. I returned home with it 4 years later but misplaced only the tiny book - hopefully someone, somewhere in the world found it & gave the life pointers a read!