QUESTION ONE: Describe yourself in three words:

Passionate, Colourful & kind

QUESTION TWO: Give us a quick run down of a typical day at Suna for you?

I get up early so that I can spend some time with my baby girl before I start my workday. Once I’m in the office I’ll set myself up with a coffee and go through my emails. Aside from numerous meetings about new and existing projects I will spend most of my day researching on the internet, discussing design ideas with the team and using AutoCAD, InDesign and Photoshop to bring my designs to life.

QUESTION THREE: What’s your favourite Suna project?

This is very hard but, as I’m in the Show Homes team I will pick one of ours! I’m going to go with our Blackwall Reach design for Nu Living. The rust colour used in the living room below, paired with the sophisticated slatted wood panelled wall above the desk area makes the wall into an abstract work of art.

QUESTION FOUR : Tell us something about you we would never guess?

I have six names!

QUESTION FIVE : If you had £1,000,000 what would you spend it on?

I would buy down and make my terraced apartment back into a full house. I’d go all out and extend out the back, renovating it to a really beautiful standard. Something I’ve always wanted is a roof terrace, so I’d also extend into the loft and create a terrace at the back, which would have lovely views over London. Then any money I have left I would use to travel the world with my husband and baby.

QUESTION SIX : Favourite food/drink?

I love so many different cuisines, but Korean food is up there, especially Bulgogi and Seafood pancakes (in fact any kind of pancake) Persian food is also a favourite.

QUESTION SEVEN : Least favourite food/drink?

Fast food like MacDonalds and sparkling water.

QUESTION EIGHT : Favourite film?

How can I choose just one? “Parasite”, “Nocturnal Animals” incredible but not easy watches. Films I’ve enjoyed watching over are “Her” and “Arrival”.

QUESTION NINE : Favourite holiday destination?

Somewhere I’ve never been, as I love exploring new places. Next on the list is somewhere in South America… maybe Costa Rica.

QUESTION TEN : What are your top three pet peeves?

  • Groups walking towards me in a horizontal line and not making space.

  • Queue jumpers.

  • Non crispy chips.

QUESTION ELEVEN : What does an ‘ideal weekend’ look like for you?

Spending Friday night in watching a film with my family. Having brunch on Saturday morning with friends and then a dinner party in the evening. Then on Sunday having a lazy morning making pancakes and then going out somewhere in the afternoon with the family, either to a park or to a museum or gallery.

QUESTION TWELVE : What is your favourite possession/piece of furniture/interior item that you own?

A mirror artwork I made during my art foundation. It was a painstaking process to make it, so I never made anything like it again. But I really like how it turned out and now having this one-off piece that’s also a lovely reminder of my uni days.


I’ve always loved nature and wanted to have my own tree house! Imagine this home and backdrop only a stone’s throw from a zone 2 London Tube station.

QUESTION FOURTEEN : Do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens?

I don’t believe in ghosts but I think it’s likely there’s life out there, if only microscopic.

QUESTION FIFTEEN : Favourite late night snack?

Peanut M&Ms and sweet and salty popcorn with a bowl of cookie dough ice cream for dessert!

QUESTION SIXTEEN : If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

Avocado, fried tomatoes and eggs on toast. I love all breakfast foods, especially pancakes but I don’t think I could eat them every day!

QUESTION SEVENTEEN : If you had three wishes what would you wish for?

  • The power to teleport – so I could travel the world and visit family and friends abroad.

  • The ability to stop time.

  • To own my own home, mortgage free (see answers above about how I’d use £1M and what my dream home would look like!)

QUESTION EIGHTEEN : What is the best present you have ever received? Who gave it to you and why was it so special?

My engagement ring from my husband. It was his Christmas present to me in 2019 and a wonderful surprise. He’d designed it, having it bespoke made with a teal sapphire and couldn’t have got it more right!

QUESTION NINETEEN : If you had to choose to live in another time period, when would that be?

The 1920’s. Just for the amazing outfits and Décor.

QUESTION TWENTY : What advice would you give the teenage/child you?

I would tell my teenage self to take myself less seriously, worry less about what others think and trust my gut.