QUESTION ONE : Describe yourself in three words.

Inquisitive, Inventive and Idealist

QUESTION TWO : Give us a quick run down of a typical day at Suna for you?

Spend 20 minutes in the morning sorting emails and pinning some new ideas on pinterest while my brain wakes up. Once the coffee kicks in, it’s designing, collating fabrics and managing my projects.

QUESTION THREE : What’s your favourite Suna project?

Skeel Library for Mount Anvil at Hampstead Manor is a scheme that really tested my skills as a designer and I couldn’t be prouder with how it all came together. My favourite space is the reading room, wish I had a nook like that in my home!

QUESTION FOUR : Tell us something about you we would never guess?

I have never ever won a game of Ludo or Frustration. Ever. And I play it a lot – it’s my go to game night game and even people who have never played before manage to beat me.

QUESTION FIVE : If you had £1,000,000 what would you spend it on?

I’d open a joint bookshop and café, adopt an old cantankerous cat and collect first editions.

QUESTION SIX : Favourite food?

Sunday Roast with lots of Roast Potatoes.

QUESTION SEVEN : Least favourite food?

Spaghetti Bolognese. I can’t stand the texture of minced meat.

QUESTION EIGHT : Favourite film?

The Birdcage, it’s such a ridiculous comedy and situation. I see a lot of myself in Albert.

QUESTION NINE : Favourite holiday destination?

Edinburgh, not the biggest fan of travelling or planes so a good “stay-cation” is always amenable to me!  

QUESTION TEN : What are your top three pet peeves?

Slow internet, people playing their music out loud on the train, slow walkers.

QUESTION ELEVEN : What is your favourite possession/piece of furniture/interior item that you own?

My mid-century chipped and damaged drop leaf dining table and chair set. One of these days I’ll reupholster and relacquer it but for now it sits well-loved in my dining room.


Something pretty and old and quaint with unique features.

QUESTION THIRTEEN : Favourite late night snack?

Cadburys Fruit and Nut

QUESTION FOURTEEN : What’s your favourite or earliest memory?

I think my earliest was playing crash bandicoot on my uncles PlayStation 1.

QUESTION FIFTEEN : If you weren’t in your current role what other career could you have seen yourself doing?

Either a librarian or an editor. I was always planning on going into publishing and editing but that never worked out.

QUESTION SIXTEEN : What is your biggest fear?

I’m terrified of alien invasions. And erosion. And a Yellowstone eruption in my lifetime. Hopefully they don’t all happen at the same time.

QUESTION SEVENTEEN : If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?


QUESTION EIGHTEEN : Favourite book?

The Shining – Stephen King. I am still prolific fan and read everything he does, even if some of them are misses.  


Wolterton Park in Norfolk – an 18th century Palladian House you can rent. Follow them on Instagram @woltertonpark, they’re still renovating the property and unearthing old things all the time!  

QUESTION TWENTY : What advice would you give the teenage/child you?

Be yourself. Also don’t take Geography A level, you don’t even like geography you just fancied the teacher.